Senin, 22 September 2014

RestMood8 ... Post Euro 2014

Action-Reaction is one of many aspects in the world.
Before one knows precisely which and how are the pros and cons,
that’s when the cons party.
Along the way those will damage environments, families, friends and society ...,
while exactly giving advantage many other competitors, etc...
So…, what?!

8RM Yasudah S. - Post Euro 2014

Aksi-Reaksi adalah satu dari segala hal di dunia.
Sebelum seseorang tau persis apa dan gimana untung dan rugi tiap hal-nya,
saat itulah kerugian berpesta pora.
 Al-hasil merugikan lingkungan, keluarga, teman2 dan masyarakat ...,
sambil justru menguntungkan berbagai competitor, dsb…
So…, what?!

8RM Yasudah S. - Paska Euro 2014

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